The Frozen Girl, Jean Hilliard-A true story

Have you ever heard a story and thought no way is that actually possible. Some people have lived through the most impossible and extreme situation.

Jeanne Hilliard, a nineteen year old woman was found frozen solid and she managed to survive. It all started when Hilliard lost control of her car while driving home late one night. The car wouldn't start after the accident. So, she decided to walk to the closest person she knew who lived about two miles away.

 Since it was the dead of winter, in sub-zero Minnesota temperatures, she collapsed before she could reach his door. She only missed it by 15 feet. The homeowner found Hilliard frozen solid the next morning. He rushed her to the hospital. Her skin was completely frozen. Her eyes weren't reacting to any light, but she was alive.

Her pulse was only 12 beats per minute and her body temperature was just 88 degrees Fahrenheit. 98.6 degrees is where it should be.

Since the doctors couldn't put an IV through her frozen skin, they wrapped her up in an electric heating pad and waited anxiously for her to come to the doctor, who managed to revive her. He was stunned that the girl didn't have any brain damage and was able to keep all her limbs although she did lose a few toes to frostbite. 
Hilliard's recovery has been dubbed a medical miracle, which is probably accurate but still it's also proof that our bodies are built for survival in the extreme circumstances of sub-zero temperatures. The human body will slow down all internal activities like heart rate and breathing to stay alive.

Medical miracles do happen!!
