Monsanto was one of the first companies to genetically modify a plant cell in 1983. It started producing genetically modified crops that were resistant to their own herbicide called Roundup. These seeds were marketed as a safer and healthier alternative to other competitors. With that, Monsanto took over the market.
Most farmers now use Monsanto's products.
Monsanto has actually sued many farmers accusing them of having used their GMO seeds without permission in virtually all the cases. However, those farmers didn't use the seeds willingly. Unwanted seeds actually flew into their crops from neighbours’ farms who used Monsanto seeds. Worst of all these seeds would
actually destroy the organic farmers’ crop.
So many farmers have their crops destroyed and then were driven to bankruptcy by having to defend themselves in court. That's not all. Another little secret Monsanto wants to keep hidden. They aren't a big fan of bees because these genetically modified crops have been created to self pollinate. They don't need bees to do that for them. In fact, many speculate that bees are actually getting in the company's way because they're a way to break their monopolies by naturally creating foods outside of the company's patent.
However, when bees try to pollinate a GM flower or plant, it gets poisoned and dies mostly because of Monsanto's pesticide roundup which is used in conjunction with their GM crops. Monsanto of course denies all this. But, with their track record, can you really believe them?