When you were a kid, it was mom! “Just five more minutes” Now, you're pounding that snooze button once or multiple times. You want a little more shut-eye; just five more minutes of fuel in the form of sleep.

But, think twice next time you fill your phone with ten different alarms. Sleep is very important. It's been proven by all kinds of studies that our regular healthy dose of Zzzzzzzzzzz………. gives your body much-needed rest and recovery plus it allows your brain to work at its fullest. 

If you wake up without or before the alarm, you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day, it sounds great. But, why don't we always wake up like this? It is due to a busy schedule, working late hours, exhaustion, anxiety, etc. Disrupt of sleep causes you all kinds of problems and one of the most annoying of those is feeling sleepy right after you wake up and even for most of the day.

It's because you keep hitting that snooze button like it's your job. How can sleeping a little longer make you even more tired?? It all has to do with the fact that sleep is divided into cycles. Each lasting about an hour and a half. When you finally doze off, your brain enters the first cycle. Then, the second and so on until it's well rested and ready to wake up, which is usually after four cycles or so.
Therefore, you need at least six hours of sleep per day to feel okay, to feel great.  Though, you need about two extra hours on top of that for your brain to enter its optimal state giving you a total of around eight hours. Those two hours are when your brain is getting ready for the day and it's exactly after this period that you wake up without any help. Of course, when you've only slept about four or five hours you feel groggy and sleepy. Your alarm will just irritate you. That's why we all either hit the snooze button or just set a bunch of alarms in advance, each going off 10 or 15 minutes after the previous one. So you've been rudely awakened by this annoying sound and you don't feel like rising and shining.
What you actually do when you hit the snooze button is go off into a new sleep cycle. Remember how long those lasts, right? About an hour and a half. So, basically if you don't get another 90 minutes of sleep after snoozing, you'll feel even worse. For it, waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle breaks your sleep pattern confusing your brain and making it think you still have time to catch those missing Zzzzzzz…. and when you go in and out of a cycle repeatedly, that poor brain of yours just goes unhinged and ceases to understand where it is and what it should do.
Ever felt disorientated in the morning, like where am I? Who am I? What's going on? That foggy state you get up and after you've hit snooze for 10 more minutes is called sleep inertia. Remember learning about a nurture in school. Here, it refers to your brain being unable to shake off the sleep and going straight into autopilot for you. It means that you feel like going back to bed. You can't concentrate, can't make decisions and generally want everyone to get out of your face. No amount of coffee will pull you out of this state. It might only make you feel worse. 
For that matter, at best, it'll give you a short energy boost. That'll just disappear in a couple of hours. But, in the worst-case scenario, it might simply thrash your nervous system. Without that awareness boost you crave. Caffeine especially in high doses can cause jitters, anxiety and an increased heart rate. Imagine a rush of all that into your blood while your brain is still trying to figure out where your phone is even though you're holding it in your hand. It gets worse. How long do you think sleep inertia lasts??
In sleep mode, your brain actively restores your mind and body when you're awake, though it's busy; multitasking with both restoration and daily activities. So, it needs a lot more time to become fully focused. It requires four full hours to get your gears turning. Basically, you won't be able to do anything apart from the simplest tasks until lunch. After that, with luck you'll finally be ready to start your normal day. But, you'll already have wasted half of it with sleep inertia and a brain that hasn't fully woken up. You might find yourself forgetting certain things you do every morning. Have you ever tried to remember whether or not you locked the front door?? That's because you did it automatically without thinking it through and your brain didn't think it was necessary to register such a usual thing.

The more rituals you have, the more you'll forget with time. What should you do to get rid of sleep inertia? One of the best ways to pull your brain out of this fog is a nice shock. You need to shake off the sleep and make your brain and body come and sink again. What could tackle the job better than a cold shower actually to raise your alertness. You don't even need a full-on shower. You only have to cool down your hands and feet at least. Another way is to turn on loud music.
