Wanna have smart kids?? The OBSESSED and ELDEST are SMARTER than others!!

Can you distinguish a Ceratosaurus from an Allosaurus? There are kids who easily could do this and they'd love nothing more than to tell you all kinds of interesting stuff about their favorite thing in the whole wide world dinosaurs.
Such kids are already little geniuses. But, science confirms that they are smarter than others. Little pint-sized Dino experts know the names of different species, how these giant creatures lived, what they ate and even when they died out more often.
They always carry a dinosaur toy around and can't go a day without watching cartoons about them. Such little kids rattle off facts about the prehistoric ages to their parents on a daily basis for hours on end.
Parents have to act as if they're super interested. If this describes you during your childhood, then you had what psychologists call ‘an intense interest’ or what most of us; normies call an ‘obsession’. So, researchers from Indiana and Wisconsin universities decided to find out how, having this sort of fascination in early childhood affects the kids’ intelligence. Their study shows that it improved their attention span, complex thinking skills and the way they process information.

Psychologists also believe that the way these kids study dinosaurs helps them adjust to new situations and solve problems later on in life. This type of spirited dedication, not only broadens their knowledge on the subject in particular, but also encourages a passion for learning new things now. That's definitely an upside to watching Jurassic Park over and over again and this obsession can be in anything.

The same study suggests boys tend to have intense interests more often than girls. It might be because of the fact that boys prefer to seek information and facts about their interest, while girls tend to be more into creative subjects like art and literature. In any case, the intense interest usually appears when kids are 2 to 6 years old and only lasts between six months and three years at least. 

According to a 2007 study by scientists at the University of Virginia, 80% of kids lose their interest when they start school and don't feel passionate about things they were crazy about. Before, the researchers thought that it happens because children don't have much free time once they start school. So, they can't be devoted to their hobby anymore and the interest disappears. But, kids who go through this phase of passionate interest are typically above average in terms of intelligence.
Parents should not only encourage their kids to keep pursuing their interest but also take an active part in it. This could be in the form of museum trips or just talking about the topic with them and teaching them new facts. Who knows? You might learn something too.

Further, mom's intelligence is passed on to her child. Dad plays a role too. If you spent a lot of time with your dad or any other important male role model, when you were a kid, then you also have higher chances of being a smarty. UK researchers’ have also found that those who had more involved dads had a higher IQ than kids who didn't get a lot of attention from their father and having a hands-on dad influences not only a child's intelligence, but also their success in adulthood. That's because kids who have dads around there, often grow up more emotionally stable and more confident.

When it comes to challenging situations and solving problems, you learn to read early. It's called ‘book smart’. For a reason, the earlier you start reading, the brighter you are. In 2012, researchers have found that reading increases both verbal and nonverbal skills, making you a fast
thinker and learner. Overall, but let's talk more about siblings. 

It has also been found that firstborn kids may have better thinking skills than their siblings. The researchers observed 5,000 children until they turned 14 and assess their development every two years. Their results proved that firstborn children typically perform better than their siblings as early as age one. This could be connected with the fact that parents are less likely to engage in mentally stimulating activities with their younger children.

So, if you are the eldest and had an obsession when you were a kid, you are smarter than others.
